Using a vegetable peeler, peel the rind and slice thinly and add to stainless steel pot or dutch oven. Add the water.
In a small fry pan heat to high and when hot add the cardamom pods roasting them for about three minutes swirling the pan to toss the pods so they don't burn. Remove from heat.
While waiting for the pods to cool a bit, continue slicing the blood oranges by cutting away the white pith of the orange and dicing the meat of the orange into small pieces. Set aside the diced orange.
Take the cardamom pods and break them open and put them in a tea ball. I used the side of the knife and crushed the pods with a small tap just like you would to de-peel a clove of garlic.
Close the tea ball and put into the dutch oven with the rind andwater. Turn up the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. The cardamom flavor will be infused into the rind water. Stir occasionally. Add the diced oranges and sugar. Do not remove the tea ball. Bring the flame up to medium again and cook for about 20 minute till the mixtures is boiling.
Use your candy thermometer to get the recipe to 220 degrees or use the gel point plate trick (see gel point in the label section) to get the recipe to the desired consistency. Remove tea ball just before you ladle the recipe into jars.
Sterilize 3 half pint jars and ladle into jars leaving 1/4" headspace. Clean the rims, add the lid and rings, and waterbath for 10 minutes.