I wasn’t going to can tonight but I was worried that my mangos were not going to make to thursday. I checked out a few recipes and targeted my sights on a Mango Salsa. I wanted the fruity taste to not be too dominate and that the traditional “salsa” heat was definetly getting into the jars. As I was cutting up the mangos they were a perfect ripeness and I made sure that any bruised spots I cut out and didn’t add to the batch.
I wanted to eliminate some of the ingredients that I didn’t like in combination with mangos. Most of the recipes had red peppers, jalapenos, and honey. From my taste test before going into the waterbath the flavor was a good combination of sweet from the mango, savory from red onion, and heat using cayenne. It has the perfect consistancy; not too chunky and because I used my emersion blender to break up some of the mango pieces it has thick smooth texture needed to stay on your tortilla chips. Enjoy!

SB Canning Spicy Mango Salsa
- 4 pc. Mangos - diced into cubes
- 2 pc. medium red onions - diced
- 1/2 cup brown sugar
- 1/2 cup cider vinegar
- 1/4 cup crystallized ginger - minced
- 1/4 t. cayenne pepper
- 1 cup water
- Juice of one lemon
- 2 T olive oil
- In a dutch oven put the olive oil and diced red onions and cook down the onions till they are translucent, about 5 minutes on high heat. Add the remainder of the ingredients and cook the recipe for 20 minutes till the mangos are heated through.
- With an emersion blender break up the mixture leaving some of the mango pieces in tact while creating a puree as the base of the salsa. Taste the recipe after the 20 minutes to make sure that the cayenne has left the perfect heat to your salsa. If you need to add more, add a pinch at a time and then retaste.
- Once you are happy with the recipe, sterilize four pint jars, lids and rings. Ladle your mango salsa into the jars leaving 1/2" headspace. Process in a waterbath for 15 minutes at full boil.
- This recipe is going to be great with tortillas or chicken and will be the perfect topping on my hubby's famous fish tacos. I wonder if he will make them for our Saturday night date? 🙂
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