Canning has become not only something that I enjoy doing but a passion to teach. In doing the canning process I find that I am busy “externally”, but calm and centered “internally”. I know that sounds silly and philosophical but I just wonder if anyone else feels that same way.
Over the last few months we have had such beautiful fruits and berries here in California. I have past by, sample tasted at the farmers market, and eyed from a far the magnificence of the raspberry. I even went as far to pick up a raspberry bush three months ago at our local garden exchange just to put one in the ground. I don’t know why I have not doled out the money to buy some. Maybe it seems like so little berry for such a high price. But this last weekend I secretly bought two baskets and decided to create a jam that I would hold “close to my vest”. Yes this is not a gift to friends, nor a giveaway to my family. I made something for myself, for me, and it is delicious.
When I made the recipe it was easy to put together but I found myself being extra careful not to overcook, stir too much, or add too much sugar. I stood over the pot the entire time and made mental note afterward that I did. It was weird for me to covet something so simple but I wanted the jam to be worth the money I put into the berries. It was that and so much more.
I think that the jam is like any other you make but there is something about the red luscious color and sweetness that is, as they say, “over the moon”. I look at the jar and it says decadence to me. Many people probably have eaten these lovely berries their whole lives and are sick of them, but this is my new treat in a jar.
I hope that you will all spend the money to make one “small batch” of this recipe and enjoy every last spoonful.

Raspberry Vanilla Jam
- 2 6oz packages Raspberries
- 1 pc. vanilla bean - split in half
- 1 cup sugar (3 T. Flex batch pectin) OR
- 3 cups sugar(1 package of powdered pectin)
- In a dutch oven or stainless steel pot add the berries and sugar. Add the vanilla bean by splitting in half and removing the pods inside and adding them to the berries.
- You can add the whole split bean but remember to remove the empty bean before you add the pectin. The bean will give the recipe additional flavor as well.
- Cook on low heat for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Bring the recipe up to a boil. Add the pectin, return to a full boil for one minute. Turn off heat. Skim foam if needed.
- Using sterilized jars ladle the recipe into 4 half pint jars, remove air bubbles and refill to 1/4" headspace. Using a wet paper towel clean rims, add heated lids and add rings.
- Process in the water bath at a full boil for 10 minutes. Turn off heat, wait five minutes and remove jars and set on dish towel on the counter overnight. The next day label your jars and remove rings for storage.
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