Thank you Jeannie for your recipe and fantastic picture of your pressure canned yams. They look amazing!
From Jeannie: I would love for you to share my Grandmothers recipe on your site. I can’t think of a better way to honor her. Thank you!! Cindy, the candied yams are a huge hit with the family. Only thing I noticed was the syrup needed to be thickened a bit upon opening the jar. So I recommend taking yams out of syrup, thicken and pour over yams, and bake til heated thru, top with mini marshmallows if you like. Very good flavor.

Mommoms Candied Yams
- 12 pc. medium yams
- 2 C brown sugar
- 2 C orange juice
- 1 C sugar
- 1 C water
- 1 teas vanilla
- 2 teas cinnamon
- 1 teas nutmeg
- 1/4 C lemon juice
- Mix all in sauce pan to boiling, lower heat to simmer. Prepare sweet potatoes per Ball Blue Book. Cleaned, peeled, cut in chunks, rinsed and blanch for 3-5 minutes.
- Placed in prepared jars, add syrup to 1 inch head space, cleaned rims, placed lids and rings.
- Pressure can 65 minutes for pints at 10 lbs of pressure for weighted gauge and 11lbs for dial gauge. Adjust for altitude.
- Syrup was perfect amount for 6 pints.
Posted on: August 2, 2019Is 12 pc,12 cups or12 individual medium sweet potatoes
Lisa K
Posted on: August 2, 2019The juice makes 6 pints but when all 12 potatoes are cut, how many pints do they fill? I was wondering if the juice needs to be doubled to fill all pints.