One of the freshest tastes is homemade apple juice.When canning it at home from your juicer the process is quick and can be put upin half gallon jars (if you have a water bath canner tall enough to cover thejars by 1-2 inches)
Here is the process for putting up delicioushomemade apple juice!

Apple Juice
Apple Juice
- After juicing your applesrefrigerate your juice for 24 to 48 hours.
- Without mixing,carefully pour off clear liquid and discard sediment.
- Strain clear liquidthrough a paper coffee filter or damp cheesecloth.
- Heat quickly, stirringoccasionally till juice begins to boil.
- Fill into sterile pint, quart,or half gallon jars leaving 1/4" headspace. Wiperims, and add hot lids and rings.
- Place the jars in the water bath makingsure that the water covers each of the jars by 1 to 2 inches. Add hot water tothe canner if it doesn't measure up.
- Cover the pot and turn up the heat underthe canner and wait for the water to start boiling. Once the water has come toa boil start your timer for 5 minutes for pints and quarts and 10minutes for half gallons.
- When complete turn off the heat and remove the cover andlet the jars sit for another few minutes.
- Remove the jars and place them backon the dishtowel in a place that they will sit overnight to cool. Do not touchor move them till the next morning.
A good apple juice is usually made from using avariety of apples.
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Posted on: April 8, 2020Lovely recipe.