Trust me, this is a low-cal tea with cinnamon sticks and one of the best I have tasted.Cinnamon is a healthy spice which is from the dried inner bark of a cinnamon tree. It is used medicinally as an antiseptic, to relieve nausea and flatulence. Coarse ground seed is used in potpourri and in liquid form for perfumes.
I use cinnamon daily on apples, anything I can put it on!
To the tea now:

Tea-spiced for holidays
Here at SBcanning, it is always so pleasing to have a creative warm and healthy beverage that does not necessarily have alcohol in it.
- 12 cups of water (must be divided)
- 6 tea bags
- 4 cinnamon sticks
- 1 1/4 cups Granular Splenda (sugar replacement)
- 1 can (6oz) frozen orange juice concentrate
- 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
- 1 garnish-lemon slices, orange slices, whole cloves and cinnamon sticks
- Measure 8 cups of water and bring to boil in large saucepan.
- Pour boiling water over tea bags into container that will stand the heat l (pyrex) stainless steel pot.
- Cover pot and steep for 5 minutes. As we remove the tea bag, remember to squeeze gently to get the flavor out of the tea. Stir in Splenda, orange and lemon juice.
- Combine 4 cups of water, cinnamon sticks and cloves.
- Bring to a boil, cover and let simmer for approx 20 minutes.
- Then we pour the mixture through a strainer into the tea mixture, throwing away the spices.
- Pour spiced tea into good sized mugs and serve HOT with thin lemon and orange slices and whole cloves and cinnamon sticks.
- This is heaven! A must serve for the holidays!
- Serves 8 large mugs or 16 small.
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