Amaretti Cookies Dessert Recipe is one of the most traditional desserts in Italian Cuisine. You might try different type of Cookies dessert before but Amaretti Cookies Dessert is so special and extra delicious. You may try our Amaretti Cookies Dessert Recipes and give your family and friends a special impression in these dessert recipes. Besides, you can discover more information about Amaretti Cookies, such as History of Amaretti Cookies.
Are you looking for Amaretti Cookies Dessert Recipes? Ingredients used? Steps to make it? That’s good! You may gain our Amaretti Cookies Recipe via SBCanning. Enjoy your stay!
Amaretti Cookies Dessert Recipe
Thanks to my housemate, Susan because of taught me how to make Amaretti Cookies. I also learnt a lot of Italian Desserts from her. So, I will share these Italian dessert recipes via and hope you can do it successfully. Amaretti is the name of Italian macaroons, which means little bitter things.
History of Amaretti Cookies Dessert Recipe
Amaretti Cookies Dessert Recipe is traditional dessert, which originated in Venice, Italy during Renaissance period. This cookies is traditionally served with a sweet liqueur or dessert wine. Sometimes, they also can be tasted with ice-cream or mousse.

Amaretti Cookies Dessert
- 1 1/2 cups ground almonds
- 80 grams all-purpose flour, sifted
- 100 grams powered sugar
- 2 large eggs white
- 1/2 tablespoon almond extract
- 1/4 tablespoon lemon extract
- Preheat the oven to 375°F.
- In a bowl, stir ground almonds, flour and sugar together.
- Mix egg whites, almond and lemon extract gradually.
- Combine the almond mixture into egg whites.
- Line cookie sheet with parchment paper.
- Drop rounded tablespoon flour onto cookie sheet, leaving about 1.5 inches between cookies.
- Bake 12 to 15 minutes, until cookies are lightly browned.
- The cookies can be remove from oven.
- You should stir the mixture by hands at right duration (5 minutes).
- The electric mixer also can be used in the process.
- Remove cookies from oven immediately, in order to make chewy cookies.
- Turn off oven and leave door slightly open to allow the cookies to dry out for 1 hour, in order to make crisp cookies.
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